Privacy Policy Statement 

Last Updated Sunday February 16, 2024


Each One Help One International Inc. is a non- profit organization. Effective September 30, 2021, we are classified as a public charity under IRC Section 501(c)3 as approved by the Department of Treasury IRS Tax Exempt and Government Entities.

This Privacy Statement is for 2023 to present year 2024 users of our website powered by webador.

Data Collected

We will collect your personal information such as Your full name, email address, contact numbers and address where it is applicable. The term 'You, Your' refers to users and the term 'We, Our, Us' refers to the owner.

Data Collection Method

When you visit our page to gain full access, you the user will automatically consent to cookies by selecting agree. The website cookies are used to enhance your experience and display tailored ads.

These data are collected when You visit Our website, complete Our forms or contact Us using Our email or phone number for Our organization Each1Help1International Inc.

We will not sell your data to third parties. 

Child Privacy

Please be informed that users under the age of thirteen (13) years old are required to obtain parental or guardianship approval prior to using Our website. This is to keep in compliance with Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule ("COPPA")- Federal Trade Commission.

Contact Us 

We do value your feedback and your comments. You have rights to submit a written request to Us for the removal of any content you may have left on Our website by means of using our comment or feedback forms.


We will update this privacy statement and apply last date updated on this page.

Our website is welcome to persons with disabilities; keyboard combinations are also accessible.

Images used on this website are at the sole discretion of the Owner. Images are taken during the organization's outreach projects. Website banner may periodically display webhost free stock images by unsplash.